Help With My Essay:Explain what grit means to you and why having grit is important in life

Help With My Essay:Explain what grit means to you and why having grit is important in life

SWOT analysis is a tool that helps businesses and individuals assess their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

To generate your list of Opportunities, explore the Grantham catalog or website to identify opportunities (resources) you will rely on the most as you pursue your degree. Write words to convey your opportunities.

To generate your list of Threats, think about your personal and professional obligations to identify at least three threats that you may need to overcome as your pursue your degree. Write words to convey your threats.

.Explain what grit means to you and why having grit is important in life. Use your own words – do not copy what has already been provided in this class. Provide an example from your own experience in which you demonstrated grit to accomplish a big goal. If you do not think you have demonstrated grit in the past, describe an instance in which you failed to accomplish a big goal and describe how you would act differently if you had a chance to try again.

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