Help With My Essay:Explain strategic thinking AND list and describe the five elements (based on Liedtka’s model) of strategic thinking.

Help With My Essay:Explain strategic thinking AND list and describe the five elements (based on Liedtka’s model) of strategic thinking.

  1. Explain strategic thinking AND list and describe the five elements (based on Liedtka’s model) of strategic thinking.
  2. List the eight general steps in scenario planning.
  3. Ethics are generally divided into three general areas: Metaethics, Normative Ethics, and Descriptive Ethics. Select a current event and explain the ethical and social issues based on the principles and standards of one of the three general areas.
  4. List and describe the importance of the basic steps of data analysis
  5. A common mistake when referencing statistics is using the word average when mode, median or mean is the appropriate term. Part I . Explain why it is important to use mode, median or mean instead of average when referencing data.  Part II Find the Mode, Median, and Mean from the numbers below. (Round up if any numbers have decimals).202, 300, 301, 461, 120, 211, 251, 477, 399, 201, 390, 187, 233, 187, 233, 366, 390, 493, 301, 250
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