Help With My Essay:Environmental engineering calculations

Help With My Essay:Environmental engineering calculations

  1. A new power plant will be built and the owner is evaluating which fuel will be used. The power plant will utilize 1000 MMBtu/hr of fuel, regardless of fuel type. Possible fuels include natural gas, diesel fuel (distillate oil, No. 2 oil), wood residue, or anthracite coal. Assume the plant will operate 8760 hours per year at maximum load. For each fuel type find the following:
    1. Emissions of CO2 in metric tons per year
    2. Emissions of CH4 and N2O in metric tons per year
    3. Total GHG emissions for each fuel type in units of metric tons CO2eq/year.
    4. Which fuel results in the lowest level of total GHG emissions?
  2. Your company is evaluating a project which would combust methane being generated at a dairy that currently emits 1500 metric tons per year of methane. Answer the following:
    1. Write a balanced chemical reaction for combustion of CH4 with O2 to form CO2.
    2. For each metric ton of methane combusted, what is the net reduction in emissions in units of CO2-eq assuming 100% conversion to CO2.
    3. If the project will be considered profitable if the cost to reduce each metric ton of emissions is $20 per metric ton CO2-eq or less, what is the maximum total annualized cost for the project to be profitable?
  3. Select one aspect of either your life or job that results in emissions of GHGs (Possible options: international travel, transit to and from work or school, a piece of equipment or project at your
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