Help With My Essay:Discuss why our states and the private security profession itself might be reluctant, or even adamantly opposed to certain recommendations.

Help With My Essay:Discuss why our states and the private security profession itself might be reluctant, or even adamantly opposed to certain recommendations.

The 1976 “Report of the Task Force on Private Security” is considered by many security practitioners to be the first comprehensive attempt in delving into the private security profession to determine its strengths and vulnerabilities.

The National Advisory Committee on Criminal Justice Standards and Goals had previously published standards and goals for the various other “actors” within the criminal justice system, including police officers, judicial officers of the courts, and correction officials in an attempt to professionalize the entire criminal justice system thereby alleviating abuses that were occurring and addressing several other identified areas of concern.  This Report, and others, were follow-ups to the original publications.

After reading the assigned pages of this Report, describe in your own words the broad purpose of the Task Force officials who studied private security at that time and the most significant contribution the Report made to the study of security management today. Incorporate into your response at least five (5) specific recommendations made by the Report, and to the best of your knowledge, based on your independent research during the week, state whether or not the recommendations have been enacted in the states or not.

Discuss why our states and the private security profession itself might be reluctant, or even adamantly opposed to certain recommendations.

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