Help With My Essay:discuss the role of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in protecting the environment.

Help With My Essay:discuss the role of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in protecting the environment.

Air pollution is contamination of the air by gases, liquids, or solids in amounts that harm humans, other living organisms, or the ecosystem, or that changes the climate. In NYC, what are the major sources of air pollutants? What are criteria pollutants? How do these affect communities…especially, the elderly and the very young? What is the difference between primary and secondary pollutants? How can citizens protect themselves from effects of constant levels of pollution? Lastly, discuss the role of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in protecting the environment. Is enough being done considering so many changes in environmental conditions?

Workplace violence affects 1.7 million workers in the United States each year, and homicide is the fourth leading cause of workplace fatalities. Reflecting on this, and reflecting on the four categories of workplace violence, what are the risk factors for encountering violence in the workplace? Provide some examples of these risk factors. Is workplace violence something that can happen to anyone at any time just by being at work or in a public/private venue conducting some other business? Which occupation is at greatest risk for workplace violence? Explain the reasons for this.


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