Help With My Essay:Discuss the promotional tools ( coupons, rebates, contests, trade shows, sweepstakes, samples, online coupons, others )

Help With My Essay:Discuss the promotional tools ( coupons, rebates, contests, trade shows, sweepstakes, samples, online coupons, others )

Discuss pricing strategy used by the company.

List the promotional objectives of your firm.

Does your business use online/ offline promotional? discuss.

Explain your company advertising theme and style.

Select type of media and sales promotion tool your firm uses for promotions and discuss in details ( tv, radio, internet, newspaper, magazines, others )

Discuss the promotional tools ( coupons, rebates, contests, trade shows, sweepstakes, samples, online coupons, others )

suggest a new product/ service that could be added to the company and identify ways to promote it.

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