Help With My Essay:Compose an essay that discusses some of the unique needs and challenges for correctional agencies associated with an increasing elderly inmate population.


Help With My Essay:Compose an essay that discusses some of the unique needs and challenges for correctional agencies associated with an increasing elderly inmate population.

The introduction  of sentencing philosophies such as life without parole and three-strikes  laws has resulted in an increasing population of elderly inmates within  correctional incarceration facilities. This special population of  inmates introduces new challenges that correctional administrators must  address.

Compose an essay   that discusses some of the unique needs and  challenges for correctional agencies associated with an increasing  elderly inmate population.

Identify at least two specific issues that  correctional administrators are facing as this segment of the inmate  population continues to expand.

Directly quoted  material may be used, but will not count towards the minimum  word count.

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