Help With My Essay:Comparing and Selecting Forensic Tools

Help With My Essay:Comparing and Selecting Forensic Tools

Comparing and Selecting Forensic Tools
Suppose you were recently hired for a new position as the computer forensics manager at a medium-sized communications company. One of your duties will be to analyze, test, and select forensic tool standards for the company.

  1. Analyze the five (5) categories of tasks performed with computer forensics tools and provide an example of a software tool that performs each task.
  2. List the questions you would ask when evaluating and selecting forensics tools. Select the question you believe is the most important and provide a rationale.
  3. Explain how a comparison table can assist a decision maker when analyzing computer forensic tools.
  4. Select one (1) Windows-based and one (1) Linux-based forensic software tool and create a comparison table analyzing the functions and sub-functions of each.
  5. Describe the benefits of the NIST’s CFTT project and how it can assist decision-makers in analyzing and selecting forensic tools.
  6. Create an expense budget for the tools you would consider utilizing at the company and provide reasoning and planned function of the selected tools.
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