Help With My Essay: evaluate the prevailing theories in portfolio and investment management.

Help With My Essay: evaluate the prevailing theories in portfolio and investment management.

The purpose of this Portfolio Project is to allow you to evaluate the prevailing theories in portfolio and investment management. Using the syllabus and topics covered in the course, as well as readings assigned, select your topic and prepare a 7- to 10-page (double spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font) paper that addresses the following areas:

Detailed Summary. Provide a detailed summary to demonstrate an understanding of the theories being researched. Use the textbook, as well as other credible, professional sources to enhance and express your knowledge on the subject area (2-4 pages).

Literature Review. Use the University library to review professional publications and locate articles that relate to your topic. These articles should be published in journals that are utilized by financial planning professionals. Do not cite sources such as Wikipedia, Investopedia or general websites in your review of the literature. The CSU-Global library is a good place to do research.

Only professional sources (i.e., journals from the library) should be used. Please consult with your instructor or the CSU-Global librarian if you are unsure what qualifies as a professional source. You should include 5-7 articles and within your review compare, contrast and synthesize the points presented within the articles to reach a conclusion on how professionals feel on the issue being researched (2-4 pages).

Case Study. Using the theories of behavioral finance, modern portfolio, and efficient markets, create a basic case study to illustrate how/if these theories are relevant in contemporary financial planning investment decision

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