Help With Assignment In Telecommunications And Network Security


Phase 1 Deliverable Heading 1 Topic: Identify and Describe SIEM.


· Name the Deliverable: YourName_ISOL532_Final_Project_Phase_1.docx

· 1 to 3 single spaced pages not counting the Cover page, Table of Contents or Bibliography

· The Word Generated Cover page (or equivalent) has the following information:

o Your Name

o Date

o Course ID: ISOL532

o Course Reference#: 2018_SPR_IG

o Project Title: ISOL532 Final Project: Data Security Management

· Font size: 11 point

· Font type: Calibri or equivalent

· 1 inch margins: Top/Bottom/Left/Right

· Header: Left-Your Name. Center-ISOL532 Final Project. Right-2018_SPR_IG

· Footer: Center: Page numbers

· At least 3 referenced sources following APA rules

· Upload the Deliverable to the Final Project dropbox.

Content: Each suggested topic below should be a Heading 2 paragraph (you should have at least 6 topics)

· SIEM acronym defined?

· Underlying Principles of SIEM

· The SIEM Process 

· SIEM Implementation

· SIEM Attributes 

· SIEM Benefits

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