Healthcare Paper Assignment Help-Share your opinion on the emergence of clinics that perform unapproved, unregulated stem cell therapy techniques using adult stem cells

Healthcare Paper Assignment Help-Share your opinion on the emergence of clinics that perform unapproved, unregulated stem cell therapy techniques using adult stem cells

Share your opinion on the emergence of clinics that perform unapproved, unregulated stem cell therapy techniques using adult stem cells. The majority of these clinics perform a type of unapproved treatment that involves removing stem cells from the patient’s adipose tissue and re-injecting it at a different site in the body. What are some differences between this type of treatment and some of the other types of stem cell treatments that have been FDA approved and performed for the past few decades? Do you agree that these clinics should be allowed to continue operating? Why or why not? What are the risks and benefits?

Here is a website from one of these clinics as an example:

Here is an article about the risks of unapproved stem cell treatments (the comments are interesting to read, too):

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