Health Infection Assignment Questions-Write my Essay

Health Infection.-Health Infection Assignment Questions-Write my Essay

  1. Review the issue of violence and its effects in the workplace (if they are not currently working in a clinical setting reflect upon previous clinical placement experience).  Give an example of some acts of violence you may have come across?
  2. Give examples of what you would do if a patient/resident became violent and provide a brief explanation of why this can occur?
  3. Occasions when employee training may be required are:

A: commencement of employment

B: reassignment or transfer to a new job

C: introduction of new equipment, processes, or procedures

D: inadequate performance

E: A, B & C as D is a counseling issue only

F: A,B,C &D

Give a definition of a nosocomial infection.

  • Define “Hazard”.  A hazard is anything within the workplace or be it home that can cause potential harm to others.  Hazards can be objects or relate to how work is undertaken.
  • Define “Risk” A risk is when the hazard will actually cause harm.  The increase of risk depends on how often the job is undertaken, the number of workers and how serious the injuries can be due to the hazard.
  • A Health and Safety committee is made up of employees and management. Choose the most appropriate answer (true or false)
  • It has been found that inexperienced workers, in general, are involved in less accidents than others as they tend to do less work when they are new to the job.  Choose the most appropriate answer.  True or False?
  • Candidates must discuss why the workplace health and safety act is important?
  • What are the three main pieces of WHS legislation?
  • Locate and read the Work Health and Safety Act of 2012 and provide and outline the obligations for each of the following
  • Employer
  • Employee
  • Other people
  • Many epidemiological changes have influenced the incidence of Hospital Acquired Infection – give 5 examples.
  • What conditions are required for infection to occur?
  • Name the common sources of infection
  • Discuss how infection is transmitted, and give 5 examples to illustrate your discussion.
  • What factors may make a host susceptible to infection?  Name at least 5
  • What are the common points of entry for micro-organisms?
  • Ten points have been cited as being part of “standard precautions”.  What are these?
  • Why has hand washing been given a priority in the management of infection control?
  • State the differences between hand washing technique using soap and water, and alcohol hand rub.
  • Discuss when should protective clothing be worn?  Name and describe 8 types of PPE and the appropriate use for each?
  • What measures should be taken to prevent the occurrence of sharps injury?
  • What should you do if you sustain a sharps injury?
  • Name the 8 different categories of Waste
  • How should clinical waste be managed?
  • You notice a spillage on the floor of your area after treating a patient.  You do not know what it is.  How will you manage this?
  • What is the difference between decontamination, cleaning and sterilisation?
  • Give a definition of “disinfection”
  • What are the main methods of sterilisation?
  • How do micro-organisms develop resistance to antibiotic drugs?
  • A simple way of describing the hazard management process is the SAFER approach: What are the missing words and provide an explanation for each.
  • S ……………..
  • A ……………..
  • F ……………..
  • E……………….
  • ………………….
  1. Can your duty of care in the workplace extend to your clients? (yes or no)
  2. Research one Australian Standard in relation to health care and write a brief summary of what it is and what it involves?
  3. Name the 7 Emergency Codes and a brief description of both with corresponding colour used in the health care sector?
  4. List 5 ways to communicate the WHS policy to others?
  5. Should compliance with health and safety rules be considered a condition of employment? (yes or no)
  6. The health and safety program should specify: (choose from the following answers)

(a) what is to be reported

(b) to whom it will be reported

(c) how it is reported

(d) which incidents are investigated

(e) who will investigate them

(f) what forms are used

(g) what records are to be kept

(h) what summaries and statistics are to be developed

(I) how often reports are prepared

(j) All of the Above

  1. Emergency procedures are plans for dealing with “what”? Give two examples.
  2. The objective of an emergency plan is to prevent or minimize fatalities, injuries, and damage.  Choose the correct answer? (yes or no)
  3. What does the acronym PASS stand for with regard to fire extinguishers?
  4. Describe what the roles and responsibilities of Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs) and Health and Safety committees (HSCs)?


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