Health Education

Personal and Community Health

Dr. M.L. Holt

Application One

Morgan State University

The Scenario

Amy and Eric are a young working couple and have two healthy preschool children. When Amy picked her children up from day care she learned from the head teacher that another parent had reported that his child was diagnosed with hepatitis. When Amy and Eric got home they discussed whether or not they should take their children to day care the next day or choose another option.


The internet has many sources of information that could help Amy and Eric with the decisions they will have to make. Using a search engine, do some background research to help you answer the following questions

Give some background information on what you learned about hepatitis through your search

Based on the information that you found, if you were Amy and Eric would you take your children to the day care center the next day? Why or why not?

Do you believe that hepatitis problem in day care centers in a personal health concern or a community health concern? Explain why?

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