HEA230 Assessment 3 Media: Topic: Critically analyse the role and power of the Australian media in influencing and impacting on healthcare in multicultural Australian society

Marking Criteria HEA230 Assessment 3

Media: Topic:

Critically analyse the role and power of the Australian media in influencing and impacting on healthcare in multicultural Australian society

Word limit 2000 – 2500

Student Name: Student Number:
Grading Criteria Score 
1.      Role and Power of Media

·         Critically analysed the role and power of the current Australian media


2.      Influence of The Media

·         Considered the influence of the media in relation to culturally safe health care


3.      Critical Analysis of Media Items

·         Investigated two media items that demonstrate their potential influence on cultural safety in health care (one positive impact and one a potentially negative impact). NB Use the media items that you  attached in Appendix A & B




4.      Use of the Literature

·         Argument is supported by the relevant academic literature.

·         Paper contains at least 10 refereed publications published between 2006-2016.



·         Presented using an accepted academic structure (Introduction, body, conclusion, reference list and appendix).

·         Font as requested – (Times New Roman 12 and line spacing 1.5

·         The submission file labelled as requested.

·         Correct academic English

·         Within the stated word limit.

5.      Referencing

·         References (In text and reference list) cited according to CDU APA Version 6.


Total Score for Assessment 3





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