U.S. construction of the Canal-Explain how the United States ultimately obtained permission from Columbia to build the Canal

Based on the readings by Misa, Pepper, and David McCullough’s film on the Panama Canal, as well as the in-class presentations, please discuss the following four (4) points in a well-written essay

1. Based on the account provided by McCullough in his film, it is clear that construction of the Panama Canal was an imperial project undertaken by the United States government. Before U.S. construction of the Canal could begin, it was necessary to draft a Treaty with Columbia granting the U.S. a legal right to proceed with the project. Explain how the United States ultimately obtained permission from Columbia to build the Canal.

2. The advent of what has come to be called the “second” industrial revolution resulted in an increased interconnected relationship between the institutions of science, commercial industry, higher education, and government. This growing interconnected relationship between these institutions fundamentally changed them in a number of ways. Identify at least three (3) changes that took place in one or all of these institutions that stemmed from this interconnected relationship.

3. The development of the Haber-Bosch process allowed scientists to synthesize nitrogen. This development resulted in immediate and long-term political, economic, and environmental impact. Identify at least three (3) consequences that were a direct result of the Haber-Bosch process.

4.Both William Pepper and Dr. Benjamin Spock argue that the United States is responsible for the lives of those injured or killed by chemical weapons in Vietnam. Review the Code of Ethics posted on the website for the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (you can access it via the following link: https://www.aiche.org/about/code-ethics). Is there anything in the Code that explicitly prohibits or condones the involvement of chemical engineers in the production of chemical weapons? Do you think that the Code should be amended in any way, or do you think it is sufficient as is?

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