Hamlet Final Essay Help-To what extent are the women of Hamlet victims of love or ambition?

Hamlet Essay Outline (2 pages)-Hamlet Final Essay Help-To what extent are the women of Hamlet victims of love or ambition?

Hamlet Final Essay Checklist (4 pages) follow the outline, please.


Quotations from the play have been carefully transcribed, maintaining the writer’s capitalization and using a forward slash (/) to indicate line breaks. Quotes have been cited with Act, scene and line numbers.

MLA formatting was used for in-text citations, formatting and references. A Works Cited page is included at the end of the essay.

Draft has been proofread for spelling and grammatical errors by at least one other person.

Thesis is clear.

Introductory paragraph introduces arguments.

Body paragraphs are written clearly, with introductory sentences, supporting sentences, references, and closing sentences.

Conclusion wraps up the argument.

Length is 4-5 pages or 1000-1250 words double-spaced.


Compile all your hard-won evidence into an organized outline that will help you write a fantastic essay. Hand it into Dropbox. This is ultimately to help you write an amazing essay, but this outline is a graded assignment: it is designed to assess your ability to organize content.

Essay Topics

Question A

While Shakespeare’s Hamlet contains only two female characters, the circumstances that surround them are important to the audiences’ understanding of the plot and how other forces operate within the play. To what extent are the women of Hamlet victims of love or ambition?

Question B

While the theme of appearance and reality is central to many works of literature, Shakespeare takes this idea even further by focusing on the idea of deception. Show how deception operates within the play by examining the characters and actions of both Claudius and Hamlet.

Question C

Many believe that loyalty is a desirable quality in everyday life, but is this necessarily the case in Hamlet? Examine the extent to which loyalty is the source of tragedy in this play.

Question D

Even though male characters are dominant in the play and most of the action is driven by Hamlet’s need for revenge, females play important roles also. Choose one female, examine her character, and determine the extent to which her role drives the action in the play.

Question E

While Hamlet interacts with major characters for most of the play, he also deals with minor characters in a variety of contexts. His dealings with these less important characters often provide audiences with more information about the Prince. Show how Hamlet’s character is revealed most effectively through his interactions with minor characters.

Please follow the Sample outline: https://lms.virtualhighschool.com/content/OSSD-v2/Department/ENG/Courses/ENG4U/ver-M/hamlet_2.0/article-essay-outline.html?d2lSessionVal=true&ou=61126




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