GS 420-Film Review

View the film: “Lives Worth Living” (LWL) and write a summary of the film. The directions link will include information regarding Americans with Disability Act (ADA) and the impact that this law has had for people with disabilities. 

due in 36 hours

Student Name: _________________________________ GS 420 Student #: __________________

(Last, First

Date: ___________________ Class Section 1 or 2: ________________

Assignment #4: Project

“Lives Worth Living”


1) Watch the 54 minutes film “Lives Worth Living” found in the link : “Course Documents” The film will be shown during class time as well.

2) Three page summary of the film (double spaced).

3) Pick out three of your favorite scenes in the film and explain why.

4) Answer the following questions and include the information on ADA:

a) Before viewing this film, what was your understanding of individuals with disabilities?

b) Using the ADA information in the powerpoint class session 3, describe the main purpose of ADA and list the 5 titles of the law.

c) How does this film connect with GS 420 class content?

5) Embed/attachment at least two photos of the ADA movement into your summary.

Please note: This assignment is to be uploaded on Blackboard according to the directions listed on your syllabus. Failure to follow directions will result in a loss of points.

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