Growth Mind Set ( The Power Of Persistence)

For this essay, you will explore two theories related to motivation and success, grit and growth mindset, and write a personal reflection in response. The two TEDTalks linked in the Unit One Essay Discussion provide the foundation for your content, but you are encouraged to personalize this essay and modify the topic to fit your personal preferences.

For your first Unit essay, you’re going to explore two new theories about motivation and perseverance. Start by watching Carol Dweck’s TED Talk on growth mindset here:

Then watch Angela Lee Duckworth’s TED Talk on grit here:

These questions might get you started:

Which is more important, growth mindset or grit? Or are they the same thing?
Can you learn “grit”? Can you learn growth mindset? If so, how? Have any experiences in your life helped you to form grit or a growth mindset, or can you use them going forward?
What else contributes to success  and failure besides grit or growth mindset? Is it possible that even the “grittiest” person can still fail?
Are there any flaws in either of these beliefs? Is failure always beneficial? Are there any dangers in these theories?
Can you apply either of these theories to your own life? To your children’s? To your workforce?
Spend time brainstorming, drafting, and fleshing out your ideas; the Unit One Essay Discussion board is for that specific purpose. Ultimately, you need to decide on a single unique focus for your essay that can be clearly articulated in your thesis statement.  Remember from the Unit One readings and from the essay rubric that we’re looking for unique, creative, fresh approaches!

While you are encouraged to read other sources to help you generate ideas and to inform your opinion, this is not a research-based assignment; the focus is on your own argument and perspective.

This essay should be at least 500 words but less than 1000 (so at least 2 pages and no more than four). It will be graded accorded to the criteria in the Essay Rubric. The materials and assignments in Unit One are designed to help you meet that criteria, so apply what you are learning in the readings and assignments to your essay. Since it is a reflection paper and may have a personal component, it can be written in first person, but it should still be polished and professional. Second person narration is not advised.

Because this is our first essay, and because it is a good fit for the 5-paragraph essay format, you may choose to use this structure. Regardless of which structure you use, underline your thesis and your topic sentences in the final draft.

In addition to the discussions to help you generate ideas for content, you will have the tutors review your essay, you will submit an outline to me for review, and you will use Grammarly to help you proofread.

Please note: you can submit essays up to 3 days late for a 15-point penalty every 24-hours. Thus, the due date on this assignment is different from the end date. If you choose to submit the essay late, you can also submit the Grammarly report and the SETR here.

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