
Li, C., & Bernoff, J. (2008). Why the Groundswell—and Why Now? Women In Business, 60(4), 29-33. Retrieved from In OmniFile Full Text Mega database in Gabriele Library. In an initial message of 200-300 words by Day 3, respond to ONE of the following question sets: What does “groundswell” mean to you? Where do you fit into the Social Technographics Profile? Which social media do you belong to or regularly use? Do you foresee yourself changing your profile position? How do you see our society changing between categories in the next five years? Explain the POST process for implementing a groundswell strategy. Why is it an important first step that a company should take? What could be added to it to make it more comprehensive? As you reply by Day 7, identify the likely challenges of a company that is attempting to develop a company-wide corporate intelligence. What factors might inhibit such a goal? What kinds of tactics might company leaders employ to encourage cultural intelligence? Does cultural intelligence have a place in every company? Why or why not?

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