Chapter 2 Art Nouveau II

(second edition: pgs. 81-105)

Please also view the 7-page pdf “comparing warm and cold Nouveau”.

#1: Questions: Brief Answers (approx 20 minutes) worth 10 points

These questions are intended to help you focus your reading, and will be graded only in terms of participation. Make yourself familiar with the questions before you begin reading, so you won’t have to search the text.

(fill in here)

1. What influenced The Four? What was their design innovation?

–How was their work received in Scotland– and abroad? (think in terms of nationalism)

2. What was the Weiner Werkstatte and what were the visual elements?

–Who were the main artists and what was their idea about the role of the designer

in society?

3. What were Peter Behrens’ contributions to German design at the beginning

of the 20th century?

–What did he produce for AEG? Why is his teakettle important to design?

–What movements influenced his work?

Short Essay View the PDF and answer this question- just one paragraph.

What role did national tradition play in various Art Nouveau styles?

#2: Information Table (approx 10 minutes) worth 5 points

These are quick notes to help you gather important information on the chapter,

and will be graded only in terms of participation. Fill the table in as you read.

(see sample and complete description in the coursework examples folder)

(fill in here)

1. Defining spirit of the time:

2. Purpose of art:

3. Style characteristics:

4. Printing / Type Technologies:

5: Prominent artists/designers: (list 5)

6: Type treatment:

#3: Then & Now comparison (approx 20 minutes) worth 5 points

This exercise is designed to prove to you that historic style characteristics are relevant

and used in design today, and will be graded only in terms of participation.

(see sample and complete description in the homework examples folder)

(build on computer and place here)

#4 YouTube video (approx 15 minutes) worth 5 points

Your synopsis will be graded only in terms of participation.

View the video and briefly describe/comment below:

1. Gustav Klimt, Beethoven Frieze, Vienna Secession, 1902 (7:27)

#5: Hands-on Art Project: (approx 30 minutes) worth 1 – 12 points

This exercise is intended to help you explore the art of the era, and will be graded in terms of level of effort. (see sample and complete description of this project in the CHAPTER 2 folder)

(create by hand then take a photo / or on computer then place here)

Warm Woman / Cold Woman

Using your paper from last week, draw a woman with color and style attributes

from Cold Climate Nouveau.

#6: Book or CD Jacket (approx 2 hours) worth 1 – 40 points

This project is your opportunity to practice designing in the style/attributes of this era while exploring type of this era. It will be graded for quality and level of effort.

create on computer ( or create by hand, then take a photo) and place your final work here

Design a book or music jacket: the subject is this era. Be sure your design reflects this week’s period in graphic design history.

Refer to “#6 Book or CD Jacket” in the Getting Started folder for guidelines in designing your jacket.

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