Governance in Catholic Educational Settings

In the light of their learning in the first two modules, students are asked to analyse the Catholic School Governance document published by the National Catholic Education Commission. This analysis will include: -the meaning or meanings of governance which are evident or implied, -the purpose of the document and its relationships to key aspects of Canon Law and Catholic Social Teaching; and – insight into the practice and challenges of leadership and management and the appropriate organisational structure to realise the desired outcomes. Purpose: 1. Define and distinguish the concepts of governance, leadership and management and their inter- relationship in education (GA5, & 8: AQF9 Kn1; APSP 4) 2. Explain the principles underpinning Church/Founding authority law requirements with respect to governance issues in Catholic/Faith-based education (GA4 & 5; AQF9 Kn1; Sk1; APSP 4)

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