Goal Matrix and analysis of policy

Goals Matrix / Analysis of Policy Alternatives (15%) A major part of the policy analysis project is developing your policy goals and the impact categories for each goal. The goal is what you want to achieve (i.e. improved equity) and the impact category indicates how you will measure it (i.e. reduction in poverty). This section of the policy analysis project should also consist of two basic parts. Part one involves putting together a chart that includes your goals and impact categories for each goal. For part two, describe three policy alternatives, one of which must be the status quo. Then, evaluate each of the alternatives using your goals and their respective impact categories. The goals matrix and analysis of policy alternatives should be no longer than 5 double-spaced pages exclusive of references. Note that this portion of the project should be merged with a revised problem statement and submitted as one final paper for a total of 9-10 double-spaces pages exclusive of references.

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