GMO food

Why have GMOs been banned in most of Europe, but not in the U.S., and how are the laws regulating GMOs changing?

Each individual must find a minimum of five social science or historical research articles or books on your topic.
There are a variety of databases available through the KSU Library. Sociofile is particularly good for sociology
The four journals generally accepted as the top sociology journals are: 1) American Sociological Review, 2) American
Journal of Sociology, 3) Social Forces and 4) Social Problems. Books can be excellent sources if they are written by
social scientists and not by journalists or ideologues. You should check the author’s identification and confirm that
s/he is a sociologist, political scientist, psychologist, historian or some sort of academically qualified authority before
deciding to select it as one of your sources. I will check on each one to make sure. Two other possibilities are to use
only one chapter from a book, or a chapter from a book that is an edited volume of papers.
An annotated bibliography lists sources and gives a brief summary of each source. This bibliography will not be part
of your final paper. It is a step designed to clarify your thinking about your sources, and I will need to approve your
sources based on your summaries.
You should have a title page with your name, the class, and a title which refers to your topic. The format of the
annotated bibliography is as follows, for each entry:
1) the name of the article or book, in ASA format as used by the ASR, and
2) your summary of the article.
Explain the article or book in your own words in a paragraph. I will provide you with a style guide from the ASR

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