Global supply chain

How will you do direct exporting a.       There are forms of direct marketing you can do please explain which one you would choose b.      How will you finance the export what kind of contracts will you sign with your subsidiary c.       What kind of transportation will you use and how will you insure against damage d.      What kind of documentation is needed for exporting e.      What will you do for global supply chain risks such as currency 2-      You will operate different premises in each country a.       3 sales offices- 1 in each country        i.      Who will you employ? There are two issues you need to mention in here. First, going back to the Uppsala model you need to talk about the market knowledge and discuss whether your company has market knowledge. Thus need to have experienced people that knows the market, which is absorptive capacity. Second is the need for training about the products and sales systems. This is also related to absorptive capacity.       ii.      How will you transfer your sales strategy and processes to these countries? This means that you need to talk about technology and knowledge transfer. There will also be some sort of learning that will happen during the establishment time and this will lead to some changes that are specific to each country. b.      1 Warehouse    i.      You need to choose one country for the warehouse and why did you choose that     ii.      You need to explain how you will get this operational 1.       You have two choices a.       You can open your own warehouse                                                                                                         i.      You need to employ and train your own people (absorptive capacity)                                                                                                      ii.      You need to transfer your own warehouse operation processes (technology and knowledge transfer) b.      You can outsource and use a general and big warehouse then you need to justify why you outsource to this operation and risks involved. When choosing your outsourced company what criteria will you use to assess different options (selecting suppliers)? How will you establish exact needs and requirements of the operations required and how will you provide training to the warehouse personnel (absorptive capacity, technology and knowledge transfer)?

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