Get Research Paper Help Online-Team Development

The Task Get Research Paper Help Online-Team Development

Select a current practice problem/issue/challenge that is currently impacting organizations in todays’ world. You can focus your research either on a challenge that impacts organizations in general, or you focus on a particular field (for example organizations in the Health Care Field). You can also research a particular theory or model that was presented in class.


The paper should be between 5 and 6 pages and contain at least 4 references from sources other than the textbook. All citations, and the whole paper, should utilize APA style citations and formatting.

Criteria for evaluation (will be assessed through a rubric):

Thoroughness, quality and completeness of the research design, methodology and presentation.

Effective incorporation of theories, models and vocabulary from the Organizational Communication course.

Use of appropriate and adequate references (citations) .

Clarity. Writing style is appropriate to a professional practitioner audience. The proposal and paper are clearly organized and written, with subheadings. The paper is proofed carefully. It is free of word choice, spelling, grammatical and other errors.



1.To write an in depth research paper concerning an organizational communication topic of interest.

2.To utilize peer-reviewed research and appropriate APA citations.

3.To write a concise, clear and organized writing example while focusing on the improvement of writing skills learned in class.

Students will approach the paper as analytical research paper . Students should begin by asking a question (a.k.a. a research question) on which they have taken no stance (opinion) This is a writing exercise in exploration and evaluation. Though the research topic may be debatable and controversial, it is not the student’s intent to persuade the audience that his ideas are right while those of others are wrong. Instead, the goal should be to offer a critical interpretation of primary and secondary sources throughout the paper–sources that should, ultimately, buttress the particular analysis of the topic


The basic questions that should be answered in the paper include;

1.What is the context of the problem/issue/theory?

2.What is the exact nature of the problem?

3.Whom is it affecting?

4.Have there been any effective approaches to dealing with the problem?

5.What research has been done to explore the problem/issue/theory?

6.What are likely consequences if the problem is not alleviated?

7.What organizational communication theories and information from the course apply to the problem/issue/theory?


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