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Term Project
Each student, is required to write a term project on International Marketing topic related to Kuwait. The paper should describe the international marketing environment as well as strategy as required by the topic. Students must present an outline of the topic, and work plan for each project participant.
– Each student will present his/her paper in 7 minutes.
– Your grade will depend on your individual contribution to the project.
– Total required 5000 words. (around 20 typed pages)
A. Outline:
o Cover page
o Table of content
o Executive summary
o Introduction
o Project Body/ Content: IMC Application & Implementation & analysis,
o Conclusions
o Recommendation.
B. Format required:
· Font: Arial
· Font Size: 12
· Line spacing between rows: Double
· Total words: 5000 words
C. Cover page required, and should include the followings:
· International Marketing MRKT 329
· AUK University
· Project’s Name/ or Title:
· Prepared By students’ names:
· Student Number:
· Words count ( )
· Professor’s name:
· Date of submitting the project:
D. You will be graded on content, analysis, conclusions, organization, oral presentation and visual illustrations.
E. Citation, Bibliography, Appendix (if using) should be documented: APA/ or MLA Citation Style to be used. Website bellow shows the rule & examples

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