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Get Research Essay Help-Research topic ( A study on employee satisfaction within Emirates Airline )



Students will select a topic/issue/concern/problem that you observed in an institution, company, organization or community as your research assignment. Based on the chosen topic/problem, the student will (a) prepare a research proposal to address the said issues and concerns; and (b) undertake a piece of research choosing either Qualitative Design, Quantitative Design or the Mixed Methods approach.



Word limit – 3000-4000 words


Format of Research Paper

LO 1: Critically reflect on the theory and practice of research

Part 1 (5 marks)

  • Title
  • Table of Contents
  • Acknowledgement


Part 2 (Parts 2: 25 marks)

  1. Introduction
  • Purpose
  • Statement of the Problem
  • Objectives
  • Literature Review (review at least 5 research papers or articles)


LO 2: Design and Conduct a research project that demonstrates the appropriate application of the principles of research methodology and present findings via a written Report


Part 3 (30 marks)

  1. Research Methodology
  • Sample Frame & Sampling Procedures
  • Method of Data Collection ( one of the below)
  • Survey (at least 20 respondents)
  • Interview (at least two experts)


Part 4 (40 marks)

  • Data Collection & Analysis
  • Results and Findings
  • Discussion , Conclusions , Limitations and Recommendations for further research
  • References/Appendices ( Harvard Style)




Part I

Title and Title Page

The title should reflect the content and emphasis of the project described in the report. It should be as short as possible and include essential key words. Acknowledgments and a table of contents can be added as preface pages if desired.


Your abstract may be up to half a page in length. It includes the background & significance, a clear statement of the general question and the specific objectives, the methods that will be used, explanation of how the methods will provide the data necessary to answer the question and the results and conclusions. The abstract should, in the briefest terms possible, describe the topic, the scope, the principal findings, and the conclusions. It should be written last to reflect accurately the content of the report. The lengths of abstracts vary, but seldom exceed 200-300 words. A primary objective of an abstract is to communicate to the reader the essence of the paper. The reader will then be the judge of whether to read the full report or not.



Part II


Introduction, Purpose, and Literature review,

State why you chose your particular project; tell why it is of interest or worthy of the attempt. The nature of the problem and why it is of interest should be conveyed in the opening paragraphs. This section should describe clearly but briefly the background information on the problem, what has been done before (with proper literature citations), and the objectives of the current project. A clear relationship between the current project and the scope and limitations of earlier work should be made so that the reasons for the project and the approach used will be understood. A review of prior studies is required where you should provide an enlarged but focused description of pertinent literature organized clearly around the important questions and/or topics you posed in the introduction. The background information should be provided in enough detail to orient the reader who may not be a specialist in the subject under discussion and should establish connection with other results and studies. Present a precise statement of the problem or the question that you plan to address and discuss its significance.



Part III


Research Methodology

Give sufficient details of research methods used starting with clarifying whether your research is Inductive or Deductive. Then explain the primary data collection Methods (Survey/Interviews). Elaborate on the sampling method used. Note any special problems/limitations to your research.


Part IV


Present a summary of your data. This is where you cite your figures and tables. Graphs will usually be most appropriate for showing your findings, but data summaries (do not reproduce all your data) may be tabular. Include any non-quantitative observations in the text. Describe the analysis of the data including any statistical tests performed.


Discussion/Conclusion/ Recommendations / References

State your conclusion. Have additional questions been raised?

Have you satisfied the objectives of your project?

If you were to try to do the project again, would you do it differently?.

The conclusions are followed by a list of references (or bibliography) items.

Use the Harvard style of referencing.






















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