Get Professional Help on PowerPoint Presentation Assignment-JWI 518: Marketing in a Global Environment

Get Professional Help on PowerPoint Presentation Assignment-JWI 518: Marketing in a Global Environment

JWI 518 – Assignment 3 (1186) Page 2 of 6
The following slide drafts are due by Sunday, midnight of Week 4:
• Product Life Cycle (Slide 4) – What stage is the product or service in?
• Features and Benefits (Slide 5) – Create a list of features and benefits to the customer
• Marketing Goals (Slide 6) – What are the company’s current marketing goals, or what are your
suggested goals? For example, do you aim to build brand awareness, increase market share,
capture a new target market, increase revenues, etc.?
The following slide drafts are due by Sunday, midnight of Week 6:
• Type of Market: Identify whether your company sells in a B2C or B2B market (Slide 7)
• B2C (Slides 8-12) OR B2B Target Markets (Slides 13-17)
o What markets are currently targeted?
o What approach is being taken (undifferentiated, differentiated, concentrated, or
o What is recommended (support your recommendation with research)?
• Competitive and SWOT Analysis (Slides 18 and 19)
o Who are 2 of your major competitors? Be sure to address pricing, features, and benefits.
o Compare your product/service to major competitors
o Suggestion: use the table included in the marketing plan PowerPoint template and include
your competitive analysis information
The following slide drafts are due by Sunday, midnight of Week 8:
• [Pricing Strategy (Slide 20) – Leave this slide as-is as a placeholder slide in this draft; you will return
to create your Pricing Strategy in Week 9]
• Value Proposition (Slide 21)
o Why would a customer buy it?
o What is the value that it delivers?
o Create a 2 to 3 sentence value proposition statement encompassing information above. This
statement is used for marketing messaging campaigns.
o Use the Value Pyramid image from the Harvard Business Review article, “The Elements of
• Marketing Promotion (Slide 22)
o List promotion ideas that support marketing objective(s)
o Use a combination of traditional and digital marketing tools
o Which tools will be used to deliver promotion initiatives?
o Align promotion initiatives to appropriate target markets
o Which initiatives should be included in each stage of the Product Life Cycle?
• Marketing Budget: allocate funding for both traditional media (Slide 23) and digital media (Slide 24)

The following slides are due by Sunday, midnight of Week 9:
• Pricing Strategy (Slide 20)
o Identify the price for your product/service
o Explain why the price supports the marketing objectives
• Distribution Strategy (Product-focused firms only) (Slide 25)
o Do you recommend direct channel, indirect channel, or multiple channels?
o Do you recommend intensive, selective, or exclusive distribution and why?
• Measure Marketing Performance – Marketing Metrics (Slide 26). Use Table 2.2 from the course
textbook as a guide.
• List of References (Slides 27 – 28)
Your complete Marketing Plan is due by Sunday, midnight of Week 10:
• Executive Summary (Slide 2)
o Specify your Company’s name
o Create a high-level summary of your overall plan’s content and purpose
o Explain the results anticipated after execution of the marketing plan
• Collate all your slides from the drafts into one PowerPoint slide deck
o If you need assistance, see the below resource, found in Week 10 of your course:

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