Get Professional Essay Help on Assignment 1: Cultural Mistakes

Get Professional Essay Help on Assignment 1: Cultural Mistakes

By the due date assigned, submit your responses to the Discussion Area.

Mistakes to Avoid With Selected Cultural Groups

Look at the chart linked above. Review the cultural mistakes and the countries they are associated with. In your discussion board post, answer the following questions:

  1. Based on your own cultural experiences, what three mistakes were you already aware of before you read this chart? Explain how you learned about these cultural mistakes. (If you cannot find three, please find as many as you can.)
  2. After reading the list, identify three cultural mistakes that were a complete surprise to you. How will this information make you more culturally sensitive to your friends, coworkers, and online classmates? (If you identified fewer than three in the previous question, please identify more with this question.)

Short Paper Two

This paper will be about Race and how American films represent them using the information and addressing the questions below.  The paper should be 2 -3 pages, double space, 11-12 point font.  Title pages, graphs, pictures and the “Films Mentioned” section will not count toward the length of the paper.

  1. Think about your own national, ethnic, or racial heritage. To what extent does it shape your personal identity? Share your thoughts.
  2. Choose at least two American films that represents your national, ethnic, racial heritage, or personal identity. One film should show this in a positive light and one film in a neutral or negative way?  The films can come from any era and genre.
  3. Answer the following:
    1. Describe how the films depict your national, ethnic, racial heritage, or personal identity. Compare and contrast the films.
    2. Do the films help define or to construct a national identity and what is that national identity?
  4. Create a “Films Mentioned” section at the end of your paper and use the “Style Guide” found in the Syllabus content.
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