Get professional and cheap answers to the below philosophy questions- How are the two dominant normative moral theories (Kantian v.    Utilitarian) to be distinguished and applied in sorting out the ethical options available from the states of affairs upon which we are called to make a judgment?

Get professional and cheap answers to the below philosophy questions- How are the two dominant normative moral theories (Kantian v.    Utilitarian) to be distinguished and applied in sorting out the ethical options available from the states of affairs upon which we are called to make a judgment?

What are the three main branches of philosophy?

What are they primarily concerned with, respectively, as a field of
philosophical inquiry?

Which one is “posterior” to which?


How are the two dominant normative moral theories (Kantian v.
Utilitarian) to be distinguished and applied in sorting out the
ethical options available from the states of affairs upon which we
are called to make a judgment?

Can you explain at least the minimalist set of three criteria in
terms of which the two schools of thought on morality can be
compared in a way that they are diametrically opposed to one


In the case of “Extreme Measures,” who represents a Kantian moral
value, and respectively an Utilitarian one? Explain your answer by
relating what you consider to be the essence of the two moral
theories and the two characters in clash.

Which side are you on?  Why?


In the case of “Yankee’s Fan,” which course of action is Kantian,
and Utilitarian, respectively, and why?

Which one do you think should be the moral choice, and why?


In the case of “A Sheriff,” what is the Kantian option, and what is
the Utilitarian one? Explain your answer by identifying the kinds
of values that are at stake in each of the options presented in the
state of affairs.

What is the morally right thing to do? and Why?


If you’ve found yourself “inconsistent” (between being Kantian and
Utilitarian) with the above three cases of moral judgment, explain
and justify yourself in the best way possible.

If you have been “consistent” one way or the other, explain and
justify yourself as well.


When does a value become extrinsic or intrinsic?

What is the notion that the term “Summum Bonum” refers to?

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