Get Help with Research Paper-Quality of Life Topic “Quality of Life, Event Impacts, and Mega-Event Support among South African Residents before and after the 2010 FIFA World Cup.”

Get Help with Research Paper-Quality of Life Topic

Research Paper – Individual Assignment
Total Mark: 100
Final Grade: 30% of total course grade
This assignment involves 2 steps and you will work individually.
Step 1: Complete the worksheet (see below for worksheet) using the attached article discussed
in class “Quality of Life, Event Impacts, and Mega-Event Support among South African
Residents before and after the 2010 FIFA World Cup.” – Kaplanidou et al., (2013).
Step 2: Due Date: Final Research Paper & Worksheet Thursday, 12th April 2018, 11.59pm
sharp. Please ensure that your paper is submitted as a “WORD DOCUMENT.doc” ONLY.
No other format is accepted. Late submissions only 2 days but loss of mark 5% per day.
After 2 days, you will receive a ZERO grade for the assignment. NO EXCUSES
ACCEPTED. Please prepare your assignment in report format specifying the word count
on the cover page.
Step 1: a) Find at least THREE journal articles, show Dr. Noela Michael all THREE articles to
obtain approval to go ahead
Step 2: Find your other sources at least ONE book, ONE professional website and ONE local
Step 3: Write your research paper using the sources above and follow the report format
Step 4: Submit research paper and worksheet with the final submission.
Assignment Brief:
Write a research report of approximately 2000 – 2500 words, based on your research identifying
and discussing the positive and negative impacts (economic, socio-cultural and environmental)
of mega-events and festivals events and how hosting mega-events and festivals can improve
quality of life for the local residents. Use specific examples to justify the positive and negative
impacts of each type of impact.
Support your points with documented sources and include in-text referencing and a bibliography
listing MINIMUM three journal publications, one textbooks, one professional website and one
local newspaper.
Writing Guidelines: (read these before you start writing – refer back to them as needed)
Your report should consist of an introductory paragraph, with at least seven to ten body
sentences per paragraph, and a concluding paragraph.
Here are some suggestions for structuring the content of your report by using an outline:
Introductory Paragraph
• Attention Getter: Point out why your topic is significant. Provide some background or context
for your topic.
• Research statement: This should be a statement (not a question!) that shows a clear position
that your research will support.
• Main Body Section
• Each paragraph should develop one main idea about your topic e.g. economic impacts positive
and negative; socio-cultural impacts positive and negative; environmental impacts positive and
negative and finally how a mega-event can improve the quality of life of local residents.
Example of structure of one paragraph:
First explain what you understand by economic impacts then provide as many examples as
possible of positive and negative impacts that mega-events bring to a destination, then provide
examples of under positive and negative Mega Events impacts that fit at least 3 positive and
three negative impacts from mega events like World EXPO’s; Olympics, Soccer,
Commonwealth games and any other sporting events or mega cultural festivals like Edinburgh
Concluding Paragraph
• Summarize your findings
• End with a memorable statement
Avoid Plagiarism – TIPS
Paraphrasing, and Quoting Summarizing – When writing a summary, you find the most
important ideas in an article or other document and restate them in your own words in shortened
Paraphrasing – Paraphrasing is restating someone else’s ideas in your own words—not
necessarily shortened.
Quoting – Use quotes to back up your main points. Every quotation should be introduced and
integrated into your report to show the relationship between the quotation and your own ideas.
In-text Citation & Bibliography: Document Your Sources – In documenting your sources,
there are two basic requirements.
First, all information taken from other sources must be identified in the body of your report.
Second, a list of all the sources must be presented on a separate page at the end of the paper. This
is called the Bibliography.
How to read a journal article and complete the worksheet below for Kaplanidou et
al., (2013): Thursday, 12th April 2018, 11.59pm sharp.
Seek Academic Skills Centre for assignment help from PALS
Reading a scholarly article is a complex task, especially in a second language.
WHAT NOT TO DO: Read the article from beginning to end like a novel.
WHAT TO DO: Begin by skimming to identify structure (main points); ALWAYS
Most scholarly articles follow the IMRD structure:
Introduction (purpose of study; hypothesis; review of the literature)
Methods (participants; ideas studied; how data collected)
Results (what was found/not found)
Discussion (conclusion=put in context of literature)
IMRD Note-taking Sheet
Turn the title into a question:
Details Answers Source of
Year of publication
and author
Why was the study
What is the purpose or
objective of the study?
What is the hypoTHESIS?
(hint: check last sentences of
What ideas are found in the
Review of Literature?
Who/what are the subjects of
What method of data
collection was used?
What is/are the time
What are the results (based
on the
What information do the
graphics give?
What is the conclusion?
What future research needs
to be done?
What are the final

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