Get Help With Homework paper:Who do you think is responsible for the protection of these geoglyphs and how do you think they could protect them?

Get Help With Homework paper:Who do you think is responsible for the protection of these geoglyphs and how do you think they could protect them?

Who do you think is responsible for the protection of these geoglyphs and how do you think they could protect them?

This assignment will consist of reading two articles. The first from National Geographic goes a little more in-depth than your textbook regarding the Naczca Lines in Peru. The other article from the New York Times is about an even that occurred to this site on February 1, 2018.

1. Read the two articles and write a 1 – 2 page double-space response paper.
Pponder these questions:
Who do you think is responsible for the protection of these geoglyphs and how do you think they could protect them?

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