Get Help With Homework paper:Using operant conditioning principles, how might you structure a behavioral approach to working with Ethan in a way that directly addresses his problematic behaviors

Get Help With Homework paper:Using operant conditioning principles, how might you structure a behavioral approach to working with Ethan in a way that directly addresses his problematic behaviors

Behavior Therapy and Cognitive behavior Therapy Actions for ‘Discussion Question: Behavior Therapy and Cognitive behavior Therapy

In this discussion we examine the principles and techniques of both behavior therapy and cognitive behavior therapy.

Use the following scenario to develop your responses to the next two questions: Assume that you work in a day care center and take care of four 6-year-olds. One of the boys, Ethan, frequently disrupts the classroom. He disobeys your orders, bullies and pushes the other children in your care, and throws tantrums when he does not get what he wants.

  1. Using operant conditioning principles, how might you structure a behavioral approach to working with Ethan in a way that directly addresses his problematic behaviors?
  2.   What techniques would you use? Be specific and explain your rationale thoroughly.
  3. As a result of your intervention, as mentioned in question 1, what specific behavioral changes might you expect in Ethan as a result of employing these techniques? Again, be specific and detailed in your response.
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