Get Help With Homework paper:Defining training and understanding its strategic purpose

  Get Help With Homework paper: Defining training and understanding its strategic purpose

Defining training and understanding its strategic purpose

At first glance, Week 5 content spans two seemingly disparate functions – developing training and assessing employee performance. The processes are defined and presented sequentially in your text. In reality, the functions are more closely related than they seem in the sense that assessing performance could identify a need for training, couldn’t it? Let’s talk!

What I would like you to do for this first conference is to think about training. What exactly is training? Please don’t parrot-back the text definition!!!

Include in your discussion and explanation, your ideas about WHY you think corporations spend billions of dollars every year to provide training for their employees. And last, in your “definition” discussion include your ideas about how training supports an organization’s strategic goals and objectives. What does training do for an organization? Are there really any benefits? Why or why not……?

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