Get Help With Homework paper: What were the political, social, and economic repercussions of the large-scale migration of African Americans out of the South during the 1930s?

Get Help With Homework paper: What were the political, social, and economic repercussions of the large-scale migration of African Americans out of the South during the 1930s?

1) Why Did African Americans abandon their long association with the Republican Party in favor of the Democratic Party?

2) How did black radicalism influence Roosevelt’s New Deal policies and programs?

3) How did black people respond to and survive the Great Depression? How did the experiences of black women during the Depression reflect their race, class, and gender status?

4) How did the New Deal adversely affect black sharecroppers, tenants, and farmers? What were the political, social, and economic repercussions of the large-scale migration of African Americans out of the South during the 1930s?

5) What role did racism play in the Tuskegee experiment and the “Scottsboro Boys”?

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