Get Help With Homework paper: What were some ways the Spanish mission system was effective?

Get Help With Homework paper: What were some ways the Spanish mission system was effective?

California Tribes –


Prepare an essay of at least 350 words that addresses the following specific questions about your selected California Indian tribe:

  • Culture
  • What were the tribe’s spiritual beliefs?
    • Social structures
    • What types of settlement and shelters were common?
    • What types of food were typically consumed, and how was it gathered?
      • Geographic location
      • What area of California was the tribe’s predominate territory?
      • Did the geographic location have an effect on social structure?

Part B: Spanish Settlement and Indian Assimilation

Create a simple timeline showing several milestones of Spanish influence your selected California Indian tribe from Part A.

Prepare one- to two-paragraph, short answers to each of the following general questions:

  • What were some ways the Spanish mission system was effective? What were some ways it was ineffective?
  • Why did the Spanish choose the mission system as their method of assimilating native California Indians? What was the overall effect of the mission system on the Indians?
  • How effective was the mission system as a tool to assimilate your selected Indian tribe?
  • What was the influence of the Franciscans on the politics or religion of your selected tribe?
  • Would you consider the treatment of the Indian tribes by the Franciscans under Father Junipero Serra cruel and inhumane? Or, was Father Serra merely a typical 18th-century priest doing what he thought was right and best in his treatment of the Indians?

Format your assignment according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines.

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