Get Help With Homework paper: What is meant by the notion that mental illness is a social construction?
How can the counselor create a sense of hope and possibility for the client?
How does establishing goals help clients to develop hope?
What steps can the counselor take to help clients identify goals for change?
What strategies can a counselor utilize to help clients commit to change?
What is meant by the notion that mental illness is a social construction? How does cross-cultural research suggest that psychopathology is universal rather than a social construction?
It is widely recognized that people with autism spectrum disorder display deficits in communication and social behavior. It is perhaps less often noted that in some areas, their abilities may surpass those of people without autism spectrum disorder. What is your understanding if this theory? How do the enhanced abilities of those with autism spectrum disorder lend credence to an evolutionary approach to psychopathology?
Phrases such as “broken hearts” and “hurt feelings” liken emotional pain to physical pain. To what extent is the metaphor implied in these phrases supported neuroscientifically?