Get Help With Homework paper: What avenues should an aspiring information security professional use in acquiring professional credentials?

Discussion Forum – Security Education & Training What avenues should an aspiring information security professional use in acquiring professional credentials?

Video Sources:Security Education and Training Requirements

· Top 10 IT Certifications for Security Cleared Professionals

· What a CompTIA Security+ Certification Can Do For You

· How to pass IT certifications

Part 2- APA Format-350 Words (Due Tomorrow

Class, I appreciate your participation in this forum. For this forum, create an original post addressing the topic(s) below. Use examples from the readings, or from your own research to support your views as appropriate.

Discussion Points (Use your browser to conduct research on the following):

1) What is the impact of diploma mills on legitimate educational institutions? How does one check the credentials of learning institutions to verify legitimacy? What should one look for when selecting an institution of higher learning? 2) Provide the URL of at least two sites that discuss the impact of the Internet on any one of the concepts discussed this week and provide a brief review of the information contained there. Did you learn anything new? Were you surprised by any of the information presented on the site?

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