Get Help With Homework paper: Strategies to promote optimal sexual functioning.

Get Help With Homework paper: Strategies to promote optimal sexual functioning.

Sexual Issue:  Identify other professionals that you anticipate will be involved in the care for this client as the treatment continues. Explain how you will arrange for communication with them and what you are likely to communicate to each of them. Identify the kind of information you will need from each source. •Consultations or referrals needed.  Describe strategies for working with the client to address their identified issue. •Strategies to address identified issues.  Apply relevant human sexuality research findings support the identified strategies. •Sexuality research to support strategies.  In addition, place an “NA” in the following sections that are not required for the Unit 4 assignment: •DSM-5 diagnosis. •Differential diagnosis. •Ethical and legal considerations of diagnosis. •Short-term goals •Long-term goals. •Strategies to promote optimal sexual functioning. •Evidence-based treatment interventions. •Relevant research to support diagnosis and treatment plan.

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