Thesis Papers: Sensitize others to issues of cultural identity, ethnic background, age, and gender role or identity in prevention, treatment, and recovery.

Thesis Papers: Sensitize others to issues of cultural identity, ethnic background, age, and gender role or identity in prevention, treatment, and recovery.

Understand diverse racial and ethnic cultures, including their distinct patterns of interpreting reality, world view, adaptation, and communication, and to incorporate the special needs of minority groups and the differently abled into clinical practice.

Understand the importance of self-awareness in one’s personal, professional, and cultural life.

Sensitize others to issues of cultural identity, ethnic background, age, and gender role or identity in prevention, treatment, and recovery.

Recognize the importance of individual differences by gaining knowledge about personality, cultures, lifestyles, and other factors influencing client behavior, and applying this knowledge to practice.

How is substance use viewed in the Hispanic/Latino culture? 

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