Get Help With Homework paper: Pros and Cons of genetic engineering stem cell research.

Get Help With Homework paper: Pros and Cons of genetic engineering stem cell research.

· Why do you think our society is turning increasingly to pharmaceutical solutions for emotional and behavioral problems? For example, Ritalin and other drugs are increasingly being prescribed to deal with children’s behavioral and emotional problems as “attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.” Some people believe that this is a dangerous trend, that these drugs may have long-term consequences for children, and that there is no scientific basis for the diagnosis of the disorder for which the drugs are prescribed. What do you think?

· Think about HIV prevention efforts in your own community. What kinds of obstacles do educators and health care workers face in combating HIV in your community? What would you propose as an effective, unique way to teach you and your peers about HIV safety and prevention?

· Pros and Cons of genetic engineering stem cell research.

· Is drinking alcohol harmful to an unborn baby?

· Is human cloning acceptable?

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