Get Help With Homework paper: Identify two (2) major design considerations associated with each of the following: hardware, software, human factors.

Get Help With Homework paper: Identify two (2) major design considerations associated with each of the following: hardware, software, human factors.

If changes to scope-of-practice regulations could help to abate health care worker shortages, why are such changes not made?

Is the growth in health care costs a real concern for the United States? Why or why not?

What mechanisms of accountability are most effective for nonprofit HCOs? Explain and elaborate in your response.

Why is  it difficult to forecast health care delivery in the United States?

Identify two (2) major design considerations associated with each of the following: hardware, software, human factors. (6 considerations in total).

Describe why informaticists should play close attention to each of these 6 considerations when evaluating an informatics technology. In your description, include the potential dangers each of these pose to patient safety and quality of care.

Even with a carefully thought out design and implementation, nurses and other health care employees may adopt workarounds. With this reality in mind:

What do benefits and/or consequences you associate with workarounds?

When selecting an informatics technology, would you opt to purchase a system that mitigates the opportunity for workarounds; or do you believe that workarounds are sometimes necessary? Justify your response.

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