Get Help With Homework paper: Identify the LEVEL of Involvement from the purchase

Get Help With Homework paper: Identify the LEVEL of Involvement from the purchase

Information Search: Did you conduct Internal Search? External Search? or both?  Identify and give examples of the type of search to support.

Alternative Evaluation:  What evaluative criteria for the purchase did you identify?   difference between Salient and Determinant attributes?  What brands existed in your evoked set?

Purchase: In the readings there were considerations and influences for the purchase stage.  Identify the ones that influenced your choice of how to buy the product.

Postpurchase: Are you satisfied?  Ideally, the actual state and desired state put forth in Problem Recognition should come together (hope becomes reality).  In other words, did this purchase solve all your needs AND did the product/brand live up to it’s promises.  Last, did you suffer any Cognitive Dissonance (Buyer’s Remorse)?

TOPIC 2:  Identify the LEVEL of Involvement from the purchase explored above.  Explain (in detail) why you advocate that specific level.

TOPIC 3:  Identify the Problem Solving Method.  Was it Extended, Limited or Routine (support and explain why)?

TOPIC 4:  Identify a purchase that you decided NOT to go through with (see the concept “No Consumer Action” in the reading).  What are the reasons (see the concepts)?

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