Get Help With Homework paper: Identify several drawbacks to being a worker of the late 19th century

Get Help With Homework paper: Identify several drawbacks to being a worker of the late 19th century

#1. Industry and Immigrants – Who are you?  – While industrialization offered many new opportunities for workers, for this discussion, identify several drawbacks to being a worker of the late 19th century. Think broadly, are you a recent immigrant stuck with what you get? Maybe you’re a poor white sharecropper in Mississippi, or black? What if you are a California native Hispanic — what do you do? Perhaps you are a San Francisco Chinese laundry owner or just a railroad worker?

Get creative in outlining who you are representing and problems specific to you — your race, gender, and heritage – background, etc…  Enjoy!


#2. Progressive Reform – Progressive reform movements dominated politics in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century (ca. 1880-1915). Choose ONE of the following five and discuss (a) what it is/was; (b) who/what did it hope to help or improve; and (c) who were some on the main players involved? Get specific with details. Enjoy!

1. Hull House, Chicago

2. The City Beautiful Movement

3. Urban planning/planners

4. The Progressive Party platform(s)

5. The Pure Food and Drug Act, to include the USDA Meat Inspection Act.


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