Get Help With Homework paper: How and why did less powerful Americans use popular culture to resist elite efforts to control them?

Get Help With Homework paper: How and why did less powerful Americans use popular culture to resist elite efforts to control them?

How and why did conflicts over social class encourage the emergence of modern popular culture in the urban, industrializing north? 

How did the rise of cities and industrial capitalism create tensions over social class?

How did those tensions shape the development of new forms of culture in the mid-19th century?

How did popular culture attempt to use race to mediate class tensions? Ultimately, was popular culture effective at mediating the class conflicts of industrializing America?

 How did the tension between the desire for America to be a “New Israel” and the desire for America to be a “New Canaan” shape the development of popular culture?

How and why did elite Americans try to use popular culture (including Christmas) to create a more orderly society?

How and why did less powerful Americans use popular culture to resist elite efforts to control them? Was popular culture more effective as a means of control or resistance?

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