Get Help With Homework paper: hat criticisms did Jefferson Davis face in the Confederacy during the war?

Get Help With Homework paper: hat criticisms did Jefferson Davis face in the Confederacy during the war?

1.  What mobilization efforts did both sides make? Discuss the draft in the North and the South.  How did it differ?  What were the criticisms of the draft?  Did the draft make a difference for either side in the war?  Which side do you think did a more efficient job of mobilization and why?

2.  Discuss the diplomatic efforts of both sides during the war.  Why would France and Britain be interested in the Civil War, and what could they hope to gain from Confederate independence?  Did William H. Seward and his ambassadors make a decisive difference on the diplomatic front, or were their successes derived from northern battlefield victories?

3.  What criticisms did Jefferson Davis face in the Confederacy during the war?  How did these compare to criticisms faced by Abraham Lincoln?  Were these criticisms fair?  How did these two respond to their critics?


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