Get Help With Homework paper: Explain why the stock market crash of 1929 occurred and tell how it turned into a major Depression

Get Help With Homework paper: Explain why the stock market crash of 1929 occurred and tell how it turned into a major Depression

What were the causes of World War II? Who were the United States adversaries during the war?  Explain why the atomic bombs were dropped during World War II.  What were other alternatives that might have been tried, and why were they not used? In recent years, some people have questioned President Truman’s motives in using the bombs.  What arguments against their use have been made?  Do you feel those arguments are valid? Why or Why not?

Explain why the stock market crash of 1929 occurred and tell how it turned into a major Depression. Describe the major ways in which the Depression affected Americans.  What were some of the measures taken to end the Depression?

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