Get Help With Homework paper: Explain the type of training that you will initiate based on your needs assessment, including the use of a competency model.

Get Help With Homework paper: Explain the type of training that you will initiate based on your needs assessment, including the use of a competency model.

1. Links: Explain the ways in which the training and development that you initiate will be linked to the company’s strategic training and development initiatives.

a. Include the company’s vision, mission, experience, understanding, innovation, cooperation, commitment, and the ways in which the training will be linked to these factors.

b. Include the company’s customers, organizational products, existing and the newly created products and services, research and development, business systems, continuous learning, and how the results will be linked to the strategic training and development initiatives.

c. Include information about identification of needed knowledge, skills, abilities or competencies, ensuring that current training and development programs support the company’s strategic needs.

2. Roles: Explain, systematically, the role that you will play in the training process, from beginning to end, and who will play additional roles. All must relate to the company’s strategic business direction.

3. Type: Explain the type of training that you will initiate based on your needs assessment, including the use of a competency model.

4. Model: Select a model that you will use to organize the training department, addressing the following.

a. The reasons for your choice

b. The processes of learning

c. External instructional events

d. Forms of instruction

5. Transfer: What are four (4) ways the training will transfer?

6. Methods: What are the two (2) training methods that you will use and why?

7. Evaluation: How will the training will be evaluated? Include data related to

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