Get Help With Homework paper: Explain the meaning of the term civilization

Get Help With Homework paper: Explain the meaning of the term civilization

Discuss in detail three of the European empires established in Africa in the nineteenth century. Why did Europeans see their role as bringing civilization to Africans? How did the empires impact Africans?

Discuss in detail three policies established by the treaty of Versailles in 1919. Show how these policies guaranteed future European insecurity.

Since this is a Humanities course, what doe is it mean to be human?  Science tells us there are other very intelligent creatures such as Sperm Whales, Dolphins, and some Ape species that can learn sign language. What makes us different in terms of our being?

Also, what, to you, is a civilization? Is it the industrialized world? If the industrialized world has technology, infrastructure, banking systems, mass transit, etc, but also has massive war, high crimes, including murders, sex trafficking, robberies, carjacking, etc   but a tribe in the Amazon has virtually no technology but very little crime, war, murder, etc, which of the two is more civilized?

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