Get Help With Homework paper: Explain the conflicts between personal desires and community responsibility represented in the myth and the contemporary story.

Get Help With Homework paper: Explain the conflicts between personal desires and community responsibility represented in the myth and the contemporary story.

Identify the villain and describe his or her characteristics and role in the hero’s quest.

Identify other archetypes within the story. Briefly describe these roles in the hero’s quest.

Identify in detail each of the steps the hero takes in the quest: initiation, separation, transformation, and return.

Research the mythological and cultural origins of the story. Explain parallels between the myth(s) and the contemporary story it inspired.

Analyze any mythological symbolism, metaphors, and attributes pertinent to the story. What real life elements might these items represent?

Explain the conflicts between personal desires and community responsibility represented in the myth and the contemporary story. Relate these to the conflicts and choices with which ordinary humans struggle. Explain why these human conflicts retain relevance through the ages.

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